Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Every April 25th, we come together to work to build increased awareness about parental alienation.

It's a topic that those reading this likely are well informed about. But the greater public is still mostly unaware of what parental alienation even is and the impact that it has on parents and children.

As a way to help reach a broader audience, we wrote an article on Medium entitled: 

"Shedding Light on Parental Alienation Awareness Day: Understanding and Supporting Alienated Fathers".

The article gives a brief introduction of what Parental Alienation is and suggests different ways to show support for alienated fathers as well as providing tips for alienated fathers to cope with parental alienation.

If you are a Medium member, we'd appreciated the "claps" and shares of the piece.

Sample Social Media Posts to Share to Support Those Suffering from Parental Alienation on April 25th, Parental Alienation Awareness Day

🌟 Join us in raising awareness for Parental Alienation Awareness Day on April 25th! 🌟

Parental alienation affects families worldwide, causing emotional pain and long-lasting consequences. On this day, let’s come together to shed light on this issue and support those affected. 💔

Together, we can make a difference by spreading awareness, offering support, and advocating for change. Let’s stand united against parental alienation and work towards healthier, happier families. 💪

Feel free to customize and share this post to help raise awareness for Parental Alienation Awareness Day! 💜


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